April 2024 Newsletter

Ignite Your Virtual Training with SPARK

In today’s digital age, capturing and maintaining an audience’s attention during virtual training is more challenging than ever. Imagine transforming your online presentations into dynamic, engaging experiences that participants eagerly look forward to.

Incorporating SPARK (Storytelling, Purpose, Action, Relationships, and Kudos) into your next virtual session can be a game changer. These five innovative techniques can help you captivate and motivate your learners.

Briefly, let’s explore what each element of SPARK requires:

Storytelling: Meaningful personal and professional experiences should frame your most important learning points. Think of the most memorable training session you’ve experienced. The chances are good, your memories are connected to a strong story.

Purpose: Participants in your virtual training sessions are willing to collaborate and engage if they know the “why” behind any activity. Articulate clearly what they will gain from the exercise or discussion.

Action: While the theory behind a model is interesting, the more academic your training is, the less interest you’ll sustain. People are busy! Move from theory to action quickly and demonstrate how to apply that model on the job.

Relationships: Most people want to feel that they are connected to and learning from their colleagues. If you rely on one-way communication when you present, you may miss the opportunity to build relationships during your online learning experiences.

Kudos: The virtual learning environment is enhanced when you look for opportunities to validate and praise the contributions of each person participating in the session. Comment on interesting insights posted in chat. Praise group reports after breakout sessions. Help people feel that they matter to the success of the learning event.

Join us as your upcoming NetSpeed Nuggets virtual session, “Putting the SPARK into your Virtual Training Sessions,” on Wednesday, Mary 8, 2024, (1:00 pm Eastern/12:00 pm Central/10:00 am Pacific). Presented by Cynthia Clay, CEO, NetSpeed Learning, this 30-minute session will help you elevate your training game with SPARK. Register now to reserve your spot.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Cynthia Clay will be speaking in April and May:

April 24, 2024:

Washington Bankers Association

Virtual Engage Conference

Building a Robust and Inclusive Learning Ecosystem

May 28, 2024: Training Magazine Network

Putting the SPARK into Your Virtual Training Sessions

Cynthia Clay is available to speak for your organization on topics including leadership and communication skills, conflict resolution and virtual learning excellence. Email info@netspeedlearning.com for more information. 

NetSpeed Nuggets

Join us at the next NetSpeed Nuggets virtual session. This 30-minute, rapid learning session will introduce strategies and tactics that increase your effectiveness in the virtual workplace.

Putting the SPARK into Your Virtual Training Sessions

Have you attended a few humdrum webinars or virtual training sessions that were so monotonous or uninteresting you found your attention wandering to that unfinished project on your desk? If you’re asked to facilitate or train virtually, wouldn’t you rather have learners clamoring to attend your online sessions instead?

Join Cynthia Clay as she explains and models five techniques that put the SPARK into your virtual training. From storytelling to creating a positive learning environment that motivates people to action, you’ll experience what it means to kindle interest, engagement, and enthusiasm when you facilitate online.

Wednesday, May 8th

1:00 pm ET/10:00 am PT


Learn More and Register

Become a Certified Online Learning Facilitator

Now is the time to build stronger virtual facilitation skills!

The May/June Virtual Facilitator Trainer Certification (VFTC) course is now open for enrollment.

This popular course has received rave reviews from participants as it provides a deep dive into best practices for virtual facilitation and design.

Now it's your turn to rock the virtual classroom! The May/June Course opens on Thursday, May 16th with the first webinar on Friday, May 24th.

More Client Testimonials

Download our ebook, Create Great Hybrid and Virtual Training for tips and practical techniques for hybrid training.

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